Sección Bilingüe
Various educational activities were done to inform the students about Covid-19 and introduce them to bilingual vocabulary related to the pandemic and corona virus prevention.
Please view the informational Covid-19 video made by one of our auxiliars.
Not violence day
Desde el departamento de Igualdad se programaron actividades interesantes
bilingües relacionadas con la violencia de género. Aquí se puede ver enlace a dichas actividades y algunas fotos de ese día en el centro con compañeros y las auxiliares de conversación.
The Department of Equality created interesting, bilingual activities related to gender violence awareness. Here the link to said activities can be accessed as well as the fotos of a few staff members and our auxiliars taken on Gender Violence Awareness Day.
Xmas Cards and New Years Resolutions
Colgada de carteles, postales y posters relacionados con la Navidad y los propósitos de nuevo año, realizados por alumnos de primero y segundo de la ESO.
Different posters, signs and art related to the Christmas and New Year season made by first and second year students were put up around the school
Saint Valentine´s Day
Actividades dentro de "La semana del amor" "Una carta, una sonrisa" donde los niños escribieron cartas de ánimo, consuelo, amor, amistad a familia, amigos, niños en centros de menores o residencias. Se hizo con el apoyo de orientación, auxiliares y departamento de francés y lengua. Todos los alumnos se implicaron de manera feaciente e incluso vino la televisión a hacerse eco de esta actividad tan humana.
During the week of Valentine's Day, students wrote different Valentine's Day cards focusing on uplifting spirits, giving advice and expressing love and friendship to different children in youth and residential centers. This was carried out with the help of the auxiliars and the French and Spanish departments. All of the student body participated and the event was even covered by local news.
Women Day
El alumnado bilingüe de Historia, guiados por su profesor Francis Roldán, ha elaborado posters sobre mujeres importantes y remarcables. Podemos ver sus trabajos expuestos en los paneles del instituto, primera planta. Gracias a todos y a todas!
Led by Mr. Francis Roldán of the the History department, students in the bilingual program made posters about important and remarkable women throughout History. Their work was featured on the first floor of the building, presented on large paper panels. A BIG thanks to all who participated.
Book day
Con motivo del día del libro, el departamento de inglés creó un RESTAURANTE LITERARIO , donde los alumnos eligieron sus libros favoritos y copiaron poemas y fragmentos de textos y libros famosos en formas diversas culinarias, dándole asi al día del libro un ambiente divertido y atractivo , donde los libros entran por los ojos con ganas de ser devorados.
De esta forma los alumnos han estado en contacto con la literatura de todos los paises de habla inglesa, no sólo americana o británica.
A la misma vez el departamento de Geografía e Historia realizó posters y carteles sobre la invención de la imprenta, herramienta tan vinculada a dicha celebración.
¡Gracias a todos!
On the occasion of Book Day, the English department created a LITERARY RESTAURANT, where students chose their favorite books and copied poems and fragments of famous texts and books in various culinary forms, thus giving Book Day a fun and attractive atmosphere,where books enter through the eyes wanting to be “devoured”.
In this way, the students have been in contact with the literature of all English-speaking countries, not just American or British.
At the same time the department of Geography and History made posters about the invention of the printing press, a tool so linked to this celebration. Thanks to all of them!
Against homophobian day
Mannequin challenge against homophobia. students made posters, slogans, and videos too. plan de igualdad and English departament.
Farewell languaje assistants
Este mes de mayo ha sido el último del curso escolar con nuestras auxiliares. Todos los profesores Anls y coordinación les hicieron bonitos regalos para agradecer su gran labor de entrega al centro. Las echaremos mucho de menos. Después de comer, visitaron la ciudad de Santa Fe, cuna del descubrimiento de América y asistieron a una exposición permanente en el centro de exposiciones de dicha ciudad. Pasaron un bonito día y se sintieron muy felices.
Gracias Olivia y Lani por todo!, y gracias igualmente a la directiva del centro por su apoyo en toda esta labor bilingüe.
This month of May has been the last of the school year with our assistants. All the teachers Anl and coordination gave them beautiful gifts to thank them for their great work done in the center. We will miss them very much. After lunch, they visited the city of Santa Fe, birth of the discovery of America, and attended a permanent exhibition at the city's exhibition center. They spent a nice day and were very happy. Thanks Olivia and Lani for everything!!!, and thanks for everything to the headmaster and his equipment.